Past, Present and Future – the realisation of a modern St Patrick’s College is, to a significant extent, as a result of those who have so generously given for over a century. Gifts in the form of a bequest provide critical resources to help ensure that the standard of excellence set by the College will be met for future generations.
Please consider remembering the St Patrick’s College Wellington Foundation in your estate plans. Your gift does make a difference.
You can contact the Foundation office here by email or call the College on 04 939 3070 to discuss further.
The Frank and Pat Healy Bequest
From 2021 , a St Pat’s student will be helped to achieve his full potential thanks to a scholarship from an Old Boy who appreciated the education he received here.
Francis (Frank) John Healy attended the College from 1942-1945. Prior to his death in August 2019, Frank had ensured that his estate included a bequest to the College through the St Patrick’s College Wellington Foundation. His brother, the late Pat Healy also attended the College.
The bequest was substantial enough to allow the investment income generated annually to support five different students each year in perpetuity.
Born during the Depression years, "Frank and Pat were grateful to have shoes to wear to Marist Brothers primary school in Thorndon when some children did not" says Pat’s son, Des.
Des says Frank enjoyed and 'very much appreciated his education at St Pat’s' and went on to study law at Victoria University. He became a patent attorney and spent most of his working life in Wellington where he and late wife Noeleen lived a modest lifestyle. They had no children and Frank’s estate made bequests to six organisations that had an impact on him or showed kindness to family members.