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Academic Entrance Exam Scholarship

An examination for the Entrance Scholarship will be held on Friday 15 August 2025 at 9.00am at the College. Papers will be set in English, Mathematics and Religious Education.

This is an optional exam and students do not have to sit it. Parents are advised to seek advice from their son’s current teachers as to whether he should sit the examination. Application to sit the examination is made by writing to Mrs Tracy Gundesen, Assistant Rector - email [email protected] before Friday 8 August 2025.

There are two Entrance Scholarships available which cover the cost of College fees and donations for the first three years of the recipient’s time at St Patrick’s.

Old Boys' Scholarship

This is single scholarship awarded to the son of an Old Boy. In term 4 each year our local Catholic feeder schools are asked to nominate a student who meets the criteria for this scholarship detailing the student’s all-round ability and contribution to their school.

This scholarship is valued at $1,000 and is intended to offset some of the costs involved in attending the College.

Sporting Scholarships

There are three scholarships to be awarded, valued at $1,000 each. One scholarship is specifically for Athletics and the two other scholarships are for general sporting achievement.

Application Process

Please supply the following information – ideally in the form of a C.V.

School currently attending:
Scholarship applied for – Sporting

  • Provide full details of your sporting achievements in 2024/2025. Include sports played, the teams you have played for, representative and/or New Zealand Honours, titles won etc.
    (Photocopies of certificates/awards would be beneficial).
  • Please supply the name and contact details of one referee (other than a member of your family) or your son’s present Principal, who could be contacted to provide details of your ability and performance in your chosen area (s).
  • If successful with this Scholarship application, you undertake to represent St Patrick’s College in your chosen sports in 2026.

Applications close 25 JULY 2025. Applicants will be informed of the result of their application in September.

Cultural Scholarship

One scholarship is to be awarded, valued at $1,000.

Application Process

Please supply the following information – ideally in the form of a C.V.

School currently attending:
Scholarship applied for – Cultural

  • Provide full details of your cultural achievements in 2024/2025 in any of the following – art, dance, drama, music. Include activities undertaken, results, examinations passed with grades, representative or New Zealand Honours/competitions won etc.
    (Photocopies of certificates/awards would be beneficial).
  • Please supply the name and contact details of one referee (other than a member of your family) or your son’s present Principal, who could be contacted to provide details of your ability and performance in your chosen area(s).

Applications close 25 JULY 2025. Applicants will be informed of the result of their application in September.