Town Reign Supreme at Neville Shield 2022
It is a genuine contest between Year 9 students and Year 10's from both Colleges where each College can enter three athletes in each event and the elite performers can only participate in a maximum of three events.
St Patrick’s College Wellington Head Coach Leigh Lidstone went in with a clear strategy “we knew we had depth in our team and that was fundamental to how we went about the day”, “Silverstream have beaten us in junior rugby and basketball this year however the tactic of having our all-round sportsmen taking the minor places meant we always had the competition under control”. Town won 154 to 118 points.
Congratulations must go to our captain Jaguun Gunregjav-Willers and the leadership qualities of Ethan Lepou who did an amazing job of setting high behavioural standards and leading the Haka for our junior team.
Neville Shield titles:
Jaguun Gunregjav-Willers won both the 400m and 800m. His time of 55 seconds means he is in good form for next week’s NZ Championships.
Aden Hedges won the Javelin (32m) in his first athletic event for the College.
Perenise Patu won the Triple jump (10.9m.) .
Zack Kimmins won the 100m and 200m.
Connor Rook won the Long Jump (5.19m) and Hurdles.
Nelsson Tiumalu won Shotput (14.07m) and Discus of (51.82m).