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Second-hand Uniform

Good, clean secondhand uniform is available for purchase at the college from the Second-hand Uniform Shop which is operated by Parents and Friends of SPC. The shop is located on the ground floor of Kennedy Block behind the Todd Theatre.

There are numerous days in January where the Second-hand shop will be open, before school starts.

A full list of dates for 2025 can be found here:

2025 Term time hours:

  • The first Friday of each month (February - December) lunchtime 1.40 - 2.20pm

School Holiday Hours:

  • Saturday 12 July, 10.30-12.30pm (by appointment)
  • Saturday 4 October, 10.30-12.30pm (by appointment)

For an appointment, please email [email protected] 


Uniform Prices


2nd Hand Price

Price if new from NZ Uniforms


$110 - $180



$50 - $100



$20 - $45



$10 - $25






$15 - $30



$10 - $25





PE Shorts

$10 - $20


PE Top

$10 - $20














Second-hand prices are only a guideline and may vary due to the item’s condition. Purchases can be made using CASH or EFTPOS.  Sorry, but we CANNOT process CREDIT CARDS.

Donating Items

All good, clean, resaleable items are always welcome. There are two options for second-hand items:

Option 1: Donate all items with all profits going to the Parents and Friends of SPC to offer services to the College.

Option 2: Sell your BLAZERS and JACKETS to the Parents and Friends of SPC.


If going with option 2, you will need to complete a separate Second-Hand Uniform Purchase Agreement Form for each blazer/jacket being offered for purchase. Use the highlighted link to get a form or you can get one from the college office.

Only the new style blazers and jackets, in very good condition, will be considered for purchase. Blazers need to be dry-cleaned.

If the Second-hand Uniform Shop already has ample stock, we may decide not to purchase an item. The Parents and Friends of SPC will pay up to $100 for a blazer and $50 for a jacket that it purchases and payment will be made by direct credit to your nominated bank account, as per the form.